everyday mind wanderings and confessions of maria ondonesa limlunay manununda maladaw

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Gastronomic love matrix

after i came back from the colorful market
excited influenced by chaos and complexities 
my favorite place of colors, smells, taste
vibrant and alive amidst the odds of life
a surplus extension of food traffic that caught my attention
local sweets and root calories wrapped in banana leaves
my most coveted is the wrapped coconut blossom spring roll
ube purple yam cake with sticky coconut flakes 
lubid lubid twisted crunchy bread sticks coated with sugar

just like a disaster, love and pain is a mix menu
reason and emotions are ironic contradictions
under normal circumstances 
the everyday mundane realities
brings us back to our responsibilities
choices, yes its a matter of choice
life unfolds like the tide in the ocean
high and low, come and go
it sings it songs to the wind
then carried back to the cosmos
when i see my self from a far 
i realize that there is nothing 
that separates me from the stars
and I am with the whole humanity 
suspended in the love matrix
so whether we learn to love or not
we are  encapsulated in the universe of love
and it grows out of our ears and mouth 
as we learn to communicate and listen
i guess our basic instinct is to love than to kill
and i have seen that grow out of lover's eyes
and extended by artist's hands
in the dance of the dolphins
in the breathe of whales
in the raise of morning sun
in the whispers of the wind
in the silence of night

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